Monday, March 28, 2011


I'm reading through the discussion on sin from the Unfinished System. I probably won't be able to finish it because I'm working on other readings too. Damn, Rowan, you were right. Sartre and Hyppolite are totally ganging up on Bataille. They seem kind of dickish, but Bataille is very humble and honest. I wouldn't know how to back him up, but if I was there, I would defend Bataille. Sarte and Hyppolite seem intent on attacking Bataille for his use of the word sin. He makes his position pretty clear, but they continue to pester him on how he's using it. My favorite part so far is when Father Danielou steps in and says that Sarte is trying to impose his own style/positions on Bataille and that Bataille should stick to his own style because that's what makes him who he is. Way to back him up.

Most of the shit in this discussion is way over my head, and I'm probably reading through it too quickly to fully grasp it. But let me see....I like this: sin being the absence of boredom, as in the Nietzschean embracement of evil. And The world of christianity being the world of boredom, as in it's life-denying and not open to possibility or chance.

I understand pushing the limits of morals by embracing what is considered evil. This is in the spirit of contestation. I think that you need to take the morals or the notions of sin that have been handed down to you and question them through contestation and negation. You aren't accepting them as values, but using them as a templates to go beyond them, to reach non-knowledge and nothingness.

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